November 4 – 15, 2019, Malaga, Spain
INsig2 is organizing 20th OLAF Digital Forensics & Analysis Training (DFAT) for 120 law enforcement officials from more than 40 European counties. For INsig2 this will be the eleventh time in 7 years to organize OLAF training for digital forensics and analysis.
Participants will have the opportunity to participate in total of 5 digital forensics and analysts courses throughout 2 weeks:
- Basic Computer Forensic Examiner
- Macintosh Forensics Advanced
- Basic Operational Analysis Training
- Live Data Forensics
- Financial Data Analysis
This training is financed by Hercule III program managed by European Commissions Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF). This program is established to protect European Union financial interests by combating financial fraud, cigarette smuggling, and counterfeiting. For more information see