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18th OLAF Digital Forensics & Analysis Training (DFAT) for the end of the year

For the night time in the last 6 years, INsig2 will organize OLAF Digital Forensics & Analysis Training (DFAT) for 150 law enforcement officials from all around Europe.


December 3 – 14, 2018, Tallinn, Estonia

For the night time in the last 6 years, INsig2 will organize OLAF Digital Forensics & Analysis Training (DFAT) for 150 law enforcement officials from all around Europe.

Participants will have the opportunity to participate in 5 specialized training courses, of which 4 will be for digital forensic investigators and 1 for analysts.

This training is financed by Hercule III program managed by European Commissions Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF). This program is established to protect European Union financial interests by combating financial fraud, cigarette smuggling, and counterfeiting. For more information see

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