INsig2’s project “Strengthening of Market Position and Increasing Competitiveness by Using Network Marketing Solutions”, Reference: KK.03 ., was the recipient of the European Structural and Investment Funds allocated within the Operational Programme Competitiveness and Cohesion for the financial period 2014-2020. The project’s total value was set at HRK 173,750.00, of which the funds contributed HRK 97,300.00.
The Voucher was issued for the purpose of co-financing the contractual provision of services aimed at the application and improvement of network solutions in the presentation and sale of INsig2 products and services. The contractual provision of services refers to the offer/pre-invoice submitted by their provider Perpetuum mobile d.o.o., while services to be co-financed consist of the following eligible activities: the creation and optimisation of business website, as a means of increasing competitiveness and market visibility. The services should be provided no later than 9 October 2019.
Contact: Edina Mujkić, Programme Manager, E-mail: [email protected]